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PROJECT 1: Decontamination and Demolition Management of a Petroleum Technology Center
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Landmark’s precedent-setting Materials Management Plans for the closure of an 80-acre Petroleum Research facility was recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for Significant Achievement.


During this six-year facility deactivation and decommissioning project, Landmark conducted environmental remediation due diligence, developed project specifications for decommissioning, and provided industrial hygiene and abatement management services for building demolition and contaminated soil remediation to support the closure of an 80-acre former Petroleum Technology Center in Colorado. We evaluated and performed cost-benefit analysis for the waste management and recycling processes and supported the implementation of waste consolidation for environmental remediation.

Our client received the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Excellence Award for Voluntary and Significant Cleanup. The Asbestos in Soils Program Landmark developed for the site was later incorporated into newly promulgated Solid Waste Regulations in the Colorado Revised Statutes.

PROJECT 2: Multidisciplinary Environmental Compliance Services for a National Retailer

Landmark assisted Recreational Equipment, Inc. in navigating the challenges of updating a historically preserved industrial building with environmental and safety considerations without impacting store operations.


Landmark provided high-value project management, planning, design, industrial hygiene, project and facility safety, environmental consulting services, and construction implementation review for Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI) at their Denver, Colorado flagship store.  


REI hired Landmark to coordinate an inspection, design, abatement, and construction team capable of tackling substantial renovations at the high-profile and historically protected flagship store housed in the former Denver Tramway Company Power Generation Station. Services on this project included a Facility Safety Assessment, Asbestos and Hazardous Material Surveys, development of Corporate Facility Health and Safety Standard Operating Procedures, Subsurface Environmental Conditions Assessment, preparation of abatement design documents, abatement contractor solicitation, abatement project management, and Indoor Air Quality Assessments and exposure monitoring. During this project, Landmark assisted REI in navigating the challenges of updating a historically preserved building with closely integrated construction and environmental and safety considerations without impacting store operations.

Following successful attainment of established safety, budget, and schedule goals at the Denver Flagship Store, Landmark was retained to review and update approximately 40 Environmental, Health, and Safety Programs for REI’s system-wide infrastructure. Programs were developed, reviewed with senior management, and implemented in a very short time frame of fewer than six months.

PROJECT 3: Demolition Management of a Major Manufacturing Site
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Landmark safely completed a seven-year decommissioning and demolition of a major aerospace manufacturing site during the transfer of the property from Brownfield to Greenfield Redevelopment.


Landmark successfully designed and managed the environmental decontamination and demolition of the one-million-square-foot industrial building on the 45-acre former Hamilton Sundstrand Denver Metal Works facility. The facility included multiple buildings that began operations in the 1950s, were decommissioned in 2003 and 2004, and demolished in 2007 and 2008. Corrective Action Plan investigations continued at this site until 2019. Manufacturing processes in this facility included machining, welding, electroplating, painting, heat-treating, nondestructive testing, and waste treatment.

Landmark identified and managed contaminated soils and successfully developed the first Soil Characterization Management Plan in Colorado managed under dual regulatory jurisdictions. Our programs for the site were submitted during the promulgation of new applicable regulations, and our plans were accepted by the regulators with only minor comments.

Landmark provided turnkey services during the decommissioning phase and performed extensive industrial hygiene monitoring throughout the project for asbestos, metals, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), and other chemicals during the demolition phase. Landmark and our affiliated toxicologists performed a Human Health Risk Assessment for PCBs. Our staff also conducted hazardous waste evaluations and identified proper treatment and disposal methods.

The property was developed in consortium with former owners, Brownfield and Greenfield developers, municipalities, and state health regulators. This project was completed on time and within budget contingencies.

PROJECT 4: Environmental Remediation of a Historical Munitions Arsenal
Environmental Remediation

Industrial Hygiene Assessments were conducted in close concert with Explosives Safety Surveys in 82 Buildings at a 200-year-old Arsenal.


Picatinny Arsenal is the oldest continually operating arsenal in the United States and specializes in advanced conventional weapon systems and advanced ammunition lifecycle management, research, development, and acquisition. As a team member for the Facilities Reduction Program, Landmark conducted Asbestos, Lead, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, and Other Regulated Material (ORM) Surveys at 82 structures operated since the Korean War. The ORM assessment included assessments and inventory of hundreds of locations with stored chemicals and chemicals/oils in process systems, lighting wastes, and refrigerants.

Because this project included numerous areas with hidden materials and unforeseen conditions, Landmark’s robust project controls and quality assurance focused on safety and addressed specific investigation-related data-gap concerns that were proactively identified by our experienced personnel. These project controls were adopted by other team members. A key success of this project was our ability to anticipate hidden materials and address them through destructive sampling and other means.


Following the completion of the Site Characterization Surveys, Landmark developed facility abatement and hazardous materials removal cost estimates and work plans for these large and complex abatement projects. Landmark performed oversight and industrial hygiene monitoring and successfully confirmed compliance during decommissioning and demolition of these structures, including several explosively-contaminated buildings.

PROJECT 5: Lost Control Program Improvement for an Exploration and Production Water Recycling Company
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Timely and knowledgeable consultation and training rapidly improved the loss control program of a progressive exploration and production water recycling company.


Landmark provided strategic consultation and training services to improve the Loss Control Program for a progressive exploration and production water recycling company. The company is one of a few oil and gas service providers that recycles used production water from wells and has facilities in Colorado and Wyoming.

Landmark conducted expedited site visits at each facility to evaluate each safety program and identify critical safety issues that should be addressed immediately. Facility operations included treatment, recycling, and onsite field recycling services. Landmark provided technical reviews and substantial technical editing of the company’s Loss Control Manual (LCM), including preparation of new sections providing guidance to assist facility staff with Occupational Safety and Health Administration inspections.


Enhancement of more than 30 individual programs was successfully accomplished within established time frames through effective collaboration with multiple stakeholders within the company’s organization. Landmark also prepared a Health and Safety (H&S) Training Plan and materials to include in the updated LCM and provided H&S training for company employees.

© 2024 by Landmark Environmental, Inc.

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