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Industrial Hygiene Program Development0Stock%20Show_edited.jpg

Landmark Environmental's business has been primarily driven for more than 20 years by the industrial hygiene needs of our clients. A successful industrial hygiene program means a safer facility, healthier employees, higher productivity, and confidence that a facility is operating in accordance with ever-changing health and safety regulations.


Our extensive practical experience promotes thoughtful and effective industrial programs that are developed with the primary goal of eliminating industrial hygiene-related losses. Our communication-focused industrial hygiene change management programs promote best practices through employee involvement and participation.

Landmark's Industrial Hygiene Capabilities Include:

  • Industrial Hygiene Program Development.

  • Monitoring & Sampling for Biological Contaminants, Metals, Dusts, Asbestos, & Volatile Organics.

  • Chemical Exposure Assessments.

  • Indoor Air Quality Assessments.

  • Biological Assessments.

  • New OSHA Silica Rule Compliance and Silica Air Sampling.

  • Personal Noise Monitoring.

  • Hearing Conservation Programs.

  • Radio Frequency Radiation Assessments.

  • Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Inspections.

  • Training Program Development and Custom Training.


Oil and Gas Field Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Emissions  Monitoring and Abatement

Rapid identification of worker exposure levels and Landmark's program development of an abatement strategy supported successful lease agreements with federal agencies. Landmark provided air monitoring and abatement services to a major oil and gas production company for hydrogen sulfide emissions emanating from pressure integrity events at an oil field site located in Wyoming. These emissions posed a significant potential worker exposure health threat. (Read more)

Industrial Hygiene Services for a Regional Power Generation and Transmission Cooperative 

Landmark works together in concert with local client operations and corporate Environmental, Health, and Safety personnel to develop feasible and cost-effective solutions to help mitigate risks and minimize downtime. (Read more)

Industrial Hygiene Monitoring to Support Elevator Rehabilitation at Carlsbad Caverns National Park

The design of environmental controls and air monitoring programs protected the public and environment at Carlsbad Caverns National Park. To access the caves, elevators were constructed in 1932 and 1954 to transport guests and cargo to the caves approximately 750-feet below. The project included air monitoring during media abrasive blasting, rock removal with pneumatic equipment, grinding of steel surfaces and lead abatement activities, and application of industrial coatings. (Read more)


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