PROJECT 1: Asbestos Planning and Management Services for a Regional Power Generation and Transmission Cooperative
Landmark’s specialized knowledge of power plant characteristics allows strategic, cost-effective management of asbestos and abatement requirements.
Landmark worked under the direction of counsel to provide a thorough review of Colorado regulations regarding asbestos, building demolition, and how they relate to substation structures that a regional power generation and transmission cooperative own or operate. This culminated in a decision flowchart and whitepaper regarding the applicability of various Colorado regulations depending on the situation. Ultimately, this strategic consultation led to the development of an in-house Standard Operating Procedure for how and when asbestos surveys are conducted, permits are required, and training.
In a separate project, Landmark designed and implemented a strategic field asbestos data quality verification program that balanced the level of effort, accessibility and desired outcomes in a time and cost-effective approach. The project included a detailed review of extensive historical asbestos data and the development of key concepts for the future organization so that data sorting and data entry could be best facilitated. The effort involved bench-scale verification of more than 2,000 historical sample locations and 20,000 fields of sample information that were efficiently evaluated in order to effectively assess overall data quality.
This project resulted in significantly improved asbestos data quality and associated cost analysis, which supported decision-making for construction and renovation projects. Key successes included standardization of protocols and descriptors for data input, and data management systems for tracking wastes generated and areas abated over time.
PROJECT 2: Asbestos Compliance Evaluation for Metals Processing Facilities
Comprehensive and targeted asbestos inspections facilitated a rapid overall assessment of vast infrastructure.
Landmark conducted an accelerated asbestos inspection and compliance evaluation at four major industrial facilities to assess the completeness of historical asbestos-related information, to develop associated life cycle costs, and to implement program improvements at the facilities. The evaluation included both record review and targeted site inspections at four facilities with 150 buildings, including a major alloys plant, two large metals reclamation plants, and an aluminum can plant. The structures chosen for site evaluations were selected because they were representative of larger portions of the facilities, thereby allowing for a rapid overall assessment of a vast infrastructure in weeks, not months.
Extensive existing asbestos inspection reports and surveys were efficiently reviewed and keyed for specific buildings or areas to streamline the inspection process. Site inspections focused on accurate hazard assessment through air monitoring and surveillance of the condition of the asbestos. Ultimately, a facility-wide Operations and Maintenance Program was developed to manage asbestos in-place successfully. This included a comprehensive asbestos-containing materials labeling program that utilized color-coding systems effective in high heat environments to attain compliance yet minimize cost and time constraints.
PROJECT 3: University of Wyoming
Consistent, reliable advice assists this university with navigating abatement requirements on multiple projects.
Landmark has an environmental on-call services contract with the University of Wyoming (UW) and has been assisting UW with asbestos, lead-based paint, and regulated building materials surveys. Landmark provides recommendations for remediation and provides technical documents for bidding, followed by oversight and air monitoring services. These services are provided for the demolition or renovation of a number of varied campus buildings.
Like most higher education facilities, ongoing remodeling occurs throughout the campus. Landmark assists UW’s Health and Safety Department in assessing the various remodeling projects and whether environmental remediation is necessary. Landmark performs project-specific asbestos, lead-based paint, and regulated building materials surveys to assess potential impacts to the project. Landmark provides both technical and regulatory assistance to assist UW in responding to inquiries.
Landmark provides value to UW through ongoing, as-needed contracts by multitasking between abatement project oversight functions and various sample collection and analysis tasks for other smaller-scale projects. By carefully coordinating Landmark’s resources and assignments at UW, we can efficiently execute projects prioritized by UW.